All of the paintings shown are available as a Limited Edition Giclee on Archival Paper. A Giclee is a high quality reproduction which shows perfect detail and colour and doesn’t fade with time.
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Near the Tor
The ancient Tor in Glastonbury
is visible from many Somerset villages. If you can see the Tor, you are never lost.
Original: $2,500
Reproduction: $275

Moving Sheep
A familiar sight in rural Somerset. It is such a joy to turn a corner and find sheep slowly taking a shortcut through the village.
Original Sold
Reproduction: $275

The most beautiful county in England and the place of my birth. I love the little villages and farms and I never tire of driving the narrow lanes. I always marvel that such a small country can have so many long vistas of green open space.
Original: $2,200
Reproduction: $275

Recently we took the train from London to Bath. Breaking through the trees and seeing that golden Georgian city was spectacular. Bath is magnificent.
Original Sold
Reproduction: $275

Glastonbury High Street
One of my favourite Somerset towns.
I have painted the famous Tor many times but this is the lovely town from the other direction, set in the ‘70’s;
a period of time I enjoyed in Britain.
Original: $3,000
Reproduction: $275